I have decided to go ahead and try this blog out again. I am making no promises, sometimes I just feel like what I say isn't as interesting as I think it is.
My best friend Stephanie came into town this weekend. She is moving to Japan in October so this was the last time that I will see her in a few years (a fact that still has not sunk in yet). She always seems to challenge me. This time it was with lists. She has lists for everything, but my favorite two were her book list and her bucket list. I don't have either, so I have started to put them together. The book list is pretty easy, but the bucket list is becoming a challenge (and is yet to be written).
Here is the start of my book list:
Ann Lammott: Grace Eventually (currently reading)
Francis Chan: Crazy Love
Rob Bell: Jesus Wants to Save Christians Too
Greg Mortenson: Three Cups of Tea
So I am behind the trend on some of the books, don't judge.
Have you ever felt like you don't know where you are going in life? I was recently asked if what I am doing now is what I want to do long term and it occurred to me it was not. I love what I am doing right know but I don't want it to be the rest of my life. I just don't know what I want to do. There is so much that I dream of doing I get overwhelmed by it. I should make a list...