Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lindsey Lohan....Really?

This is an article about Lindsey Lohan and her disapproval of Sarah Palin.

Punchy Lohan Slams Palin as 'Narrow-Minded Homophobe'
Lindsey Lohan's online missives have come a long way from the days when she offered to "release a politically/morally correct, fully adequite [sic] letter to the press ... simply to state my oppinions [sic] on how our society should be educated on for the better of our country."

Now, with a little help from inamorata Samantha Ronson, she's penned a surprisingly coherent diatribe on Sen. John McCain's vice presidential running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, which she says was sparked by her "fear, anxiety, concern, disappointment and stress" and her inability to "bite my tongue any more."

"Is it a sin to be gay? Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?" the Barack Obama-supporting actress, 22, rails on her myspace page. "Is our country so divided that the Republicans' best hope is a narrow-minded, media-obsessed homophobe?"

She goes on to cite an Associated Press story about how Palin's longtime church in Wasilla, Alaska, promoted a conference "that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through prayer."

And while Lohan says, "I am not against Sarah Palin as a mother or woman," she points out that "women have come a long way in the fight to have the choice over what we do with our bodies. ... And it's frightening to see that a woman in 2008 would negate all of that."

She adds that she "would have liked to have remained impartial; however, I am afraid that the 'lipstick on a pig' comments will overshadow the issues. ... I have faith that this country will be all that it can be with the proper guidance. I really hope that all of you make your decisions based on the facts and what feels right to you in your heart -- vote for Obama!"

Alas, LiLo then undoes much of her earlier eloquence by concluding, "Oh, and ... hint hint Pali-pal -- don't pose for anymore tabloid covers, you're not a celebrity, you're running for office to represent our, your, my COUNTRY! And in the words of Pamela Anderson, 'She can suck it.'".... (

I just think Lindsay Lohan is ridiculous. Oh and Barack Obama also posed for the cover of a tabloid mag. So I am not really sure what she is talking about.

I guess this kind of gives a different perspective of what people think about Christians though.

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