Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Going "Home"

I made my first visit back to Katy since I moved out. There were a few things I didn’t realize I missed so much.

1. My Dog. I didn’t realize how much I missed Dexter until I walked in the door and he was so excited to see me. He got so excited he started to whimper and then he did not really know what to do so he just sat back down until I came and pet him. I think I pet him more this weekend than he has been pet in the past week.
2. My Mom. We spent all Saturday morning shopping. My mom usually doesn't do stuff like that. We are not really a shopping all day family but it was fun. I can tell she misses having a girl in the house.
3. My Brother. You have to know him well to know this, but he is hilarious. He does impersonations. He has a Russian voice and a Quagmire (sp?) voice and he can do Tim Gunn. All weekend I would randomly ask him to talk in one of the voices.
4. Cable TV. I am poor and do not have cable so it is always a treat to be able to watch MTV and Vh1. Also my parent's recently switched to Comcast so we have Direct TV. This means tons of movies whenever you want them.
5. Couches. I mean, I have my own couch but I love my parent’s couches. They are over sized and over stuffed and they kind of swallow you up when you sit on them. Saturday after shopping I laid down and did not get up for a while. You loose track of time on them so I am not sure how long I laid down.

Overall, it was a trip that made me realize that my parent’s house is not my house anymore. I felt like I was visiting for the weekend and not going home for the weekend. Going to Grace on Sunday made me realize that is not my home church anymore. But it was a good trip because I know that I am supposed to be here. Not that I questioned if I am supposed to be here but it is always good to be reinforced.


Remedy For This Heart said...

About time....love it...great post!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll have to hear Sean's Russian voice, lol...

JP's Gal said...

I'm glad your home is here and you're happy about it b/c I sure am happy about it too. :)