Friday, October 3, 2008


I have always wanted to be artistic. In high school I figured out that music would not work no matter how much I like music. I accepted that and moved on. In college I tried painting. I really like painting I just don't think I am very good. I am not inspired by it. However, I was at the store the other day and decided on a whim to try it again. This is what happened.

Not so good. I can have the picture in my head but it just doesn't translate on the canvas. So, I am still trying to find my artistic niche. I am thinking it has something to do with colors because I really like combining different color combinations. Maybe interior design. That is a hard one to figure out though. I may like it but I wont know till I have a blank room and the resources to decorate it. I think I could be good at it though.

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